Production Of Bee Venom

In this process our highly experienced team goes to Bee Keepers and collect Bee Venom, Bee keepers are paid as per the agreed terms, this is a extra income to the Beekeeper and no Bee’s are harmed during the process

Supply of Bee Veonm

Whatever Produced Bee Venom is stored in a Dark Glass Bottle and kept in Minus Temperature.

Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical companies has a huge requirement of Bee Venom it is then tested and supplied to them as per their requirements

Contract Farming with Beekeepers

We do Contract farming with Bee Keeper’s, we understand all Beekeepers don’t have big pockets thus we supply them the Bee Venom collector’s on a contract that they will Produce Bee Venom at there Bee farm and sell it to us, every small Bee keeper in this process can make good money and that too without any extra investment.

Supply of Bee Venom Collectors

As we are one the Biggest Manufacturer of Bee Venom Collector’s, we supply the machines Locally and also Export.

Training Programmes for Beekeepers

We keep on working towards betterment of the Beekeepers. In this process we are always doing training programs to keep them updated with new techniques and markets.

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